Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Go with the Grain

I am a little obsessed with my need to make new things look old lately. I am having fun with pictures that I have taken of my little guy recently. I look back at my baby pictures around this age and I see so many similarities. I look for ways to recreate those shots and when it comes together it just melts my heart.

I am especially fond of grain right now. It has this aged yet very real feel. A bit gritty and not perfect. Down to the smudge of food that I could have wiped off but didn't. He won't be this little forever and there will be a time when he can wipe his own face. I hope he looks back and laughs.

What's in your past that's inspiring you photographically?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weebles Wobble but They Don't Fall Down

I spend lots of time...some would argue too much time thinking about toys I absolutely loved as a child. These are toys I spent hours playing pretend with and being a citizen of another world. There is no place better than the land of make believe. I have long been a fan of the Weebles. Yes, prior to them being a choking hazard.

I am completely fascinated with the Weebles Tree House (circa 1975) and wish I could build a real one to live in. With the advent of eBay I can own one again for the bargain price of $19.00 plus shipping and handling. Good for a laugh and smile I google Weebles Tree House (circa 1975) and multiple pictures pop up bringing all the delightful details right back to me. All the fun rooms and the cool 1970s color scheme. It's a living piece of childhood that I can transport to instantly. Gotta love the Internet and Kenner Toys.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vintage Inspired Hats: 1920s Gatsby Look

Loving these 1920s vintage Gatsby styled hats from Mossimo at Target. At $24.99 a steal and a great way to look cute for the winter. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

They Say That Home is Where the Heart is...

This city will always be home. No matter where I go I always find myself wanting to be back.
It's always magical when I return. These were shot during two different visits and I am smiling as I dust them off and upload them. It's like a little slice of Summer in the dead of Winter and it reminds me that I love looking forward to Summer.